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Working from home?
 Making Passive Income? 
Enjoying Ease of Automation?
Avoid Tech and IT Issues
Leveraging 24/7 Support
Built In Traffic for Duplication?
No Staffing Costs?
Global Scalable Business?
Residual Recurring Income?
A Family Wealth Legacy?
Can you image a Single Solutio for all of the above? 
We GOFOUNERS Team is looking for you to enjoy our PRELAUNCH of ONPassive
50 tool deluxe cyber suite of full business tools.

Official Partners for 





BIOENERGETICS    Courses       

BE400 Coaching Portals and

BE500 Integrative Health Coach Bioenergetic Certification    

proudly invites you to learn about not only helping your healthy habits, but your healthy pocketbook by providing Coaching Training, Coaching Portals for your to teach from and Certification Credits towards your new Career as an Integrative Health Coach. Its tough to do it all on your own, time consuming, frustration and expensive, until you find our Done-For-You Coach Portals.

We combed the industry for 3 years looking for the most automated, easy to set up, user friendly, self directed dashboard for business development, client management, autoresponder email, conference rooms, built in shopping carts to monetize your courses or products and a built in adveretising funnel to direct traffic to your business. If you are as busy as me, you will thrive on having it all organized for your in a cloud based back office so you can teach or connect with your audient. It;s time to SHINE with a business in a box. Built in training, and Advanced User Group Tutorials are provided to show you how  to instantly open and profit from an online business form home.

The Bioenergetics 400 Coaching Portals provides turn key business for Online Courses or EComm or MLM Marketing opportunities that are ready to go to the public with for instant set up and launch in a few eaasy steps. Let up show you how to get started properly for a long term flourishing business in the coahing of others on the internet.

Our Motto is "See One, Do One and Teach One" as we guide you to help yourself and help others from custome professionally designed online Training Rooms for cyberlearning, complete with health and business self-care strategies, optional access to tools and technologies and tutorials, and opportunity to amass educational Study Credits towards Certification as an Integrative Health Coach. 



Dr. Deborah Drake, Ph.D., IMD, DHS, DOMP, FMT, CBS, CQI, Ayurved, Auricular Therapist, provides expert leadership and guidance with years of clinical, research and business experience in delivering top caliber coaching. She has prepared several courses for both the lay person seeking a Coaching Portal and for the professional entrepreneur wishing to expand into a new profession of online teahing, ecom, or affiliate marketing.

The subject matter is taught in a holistic, non invasive manner, requiring no prior technical skills, using over the shoulder close up apprenticeship style learning by lecture and tutorial exercises, using succinct, show nd tell segmental online webinars and other resources, links and references, taught by an experienced international instructor and doctor of both allopathic, natural, osteopathic, vibrational and bioenergetic medicine, from instructor


In addition to the Prime and Premium Courses, you access BE400 Coaching Portals for a platform to work, BE500 for Coaching Professional Comportment for clinical skills, legalities, scope of practice, problems solving, ethics, and case studies and tutorials.



This program is designed for the person wishing higher level of educataion for themselves, up to include gathering study credtis for their professional development of for eventual certification of

Integrative Health Coaches

with the 

Canadian College Of Humanitarian Medicine


BIOENERGETICS courses are hosted online in a cloud-based learning platform with video and written lessons available to you to study from home at the time of your choosing.

Explore the full Cyber syllabus of the course Library is available at 



Study credits are tracked during attendance for the optional certification with the


There are three levels

of course participation. 

Level 100 Bioterrain Basics on the Minerals, Oxygen and Hydration needs of all healthy living things. Learn to manage the basic tenants of all living things and avoid or better manage predictable inflammatory and degenerative disease due to oxidative stress from microbes, metals, toxins and environmental or contagious illness.




Level 200 Music is Medicine discussing the role of vibration in the healthy entrainment of the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit, with demonstrations using Original Music Scores by Dr. Drake and Musical Guests for Musical Interlude and creative entertainment, spiced with the theoretical underpinnings of biochemistry, mineral catalysts for structure and function of the body, and the necessary requirements of properly structured water.  Tutorials on PEMF Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy and biofeedback Devices are reviewed along with other equipment like Ionic foot bath, relaxation Chakra music, and more.

Level 300 Fundamentals of Integrative Living provides a 4 Phase in-depth study of the body over 52 hours of training from A to Z on the benefits of proactive organ support, drainage, and seasonal rotation, plus detox from microbes, metals, and toxins, plus restoration from injury, along with rejuvenation for mind, vitality, sex, weight, sex purity and prowess, youthful aging, and zen-like relaxation, sleep and learning, and memory repair.

52-part course on just how to manage the A to Z of all body systems, for self-contained and integrative Health.







This series provides a close up look at the healing process of a case study to help others see just how they could apply this knowledge to themselves. 


Phase 1 Fundamentals

of Living Well


(ABCDEFGHIJKL for Airway, Brain, Circulation, Digestion, Endocrine, Filters, Genito-urinary, Housing Skeleton, and Soft tissue, Immunity/lymphatics, Jacket of Skin Hair and Nails, Karma (CNS Brain Pineal Pituitary Hypothalamus) and Love (Senses and emotions).


Phase 2 Fundamentals of Detox


(MNO for Microbes/Metals/Toxins, Nutritional Detox, Organ Inflammation, and Degeneration). This course reviews in details the bioterrain corrections necessary to restore normal flora, including reducing heavy metal toxicity that promotes a shift in the biome and the prospering on unwanted pathogenic parasites and infections that deplete the body through oxidative stress. The Nutritional solutions and support for detox are reviewed as well as the Organ at Risk inflammation and degeneration pathways to show preventative strategies to reduce oxidative stress responsible for a majority of western world disease.


Phase 3 Fundamentals of Restoration


(PQRST for Pain, Quest Fitness, Relaxation, Stress, Trauma)

 This is a course on realignment after injury, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual injury. The reduction of oxidative stress requires the reduction of the stress hormone released in pain, stress, and trauma. The ability to oxygenate the wounds of all types is the key to bringing healing cells, chemistry and circulation to the would clear it. Sports injury, inflammation, and degenerative injury or illnesses are addressed in a proactive bioterrain correcting method to prevent recurrences, speed healing, especially when new modalities like PEMF for bone and hollow organ or skull penetration with magnetic waves is possible in a noninvasive advancement to speed recovery and alignment for peak performance. 


Phase 4 The SPIRIT: The Fundamentals of Rejuvenation


(UVWXYZ for Unity of Mind, Vitality (Energy), Weight Management, X for Sexual Purity and Prowess, Youthful Aging, and Zen Sleep DNA, memory) 

This course helps restore the best of the body, without the prior toxicity and injuries, burdened no longer and thus able to use energy for rejuvenation to slow the aging process, repair mitochondrial energy, and thrive no matter what age of prior condition.



Integrative Health Coach



Dr. Deborah Drake

Dr. Eugene Fung


Learn skills for online markeeting, automation, client traffic, landing pages, autoresponders, 

attitudes and mindset of a coach 

professional skills,

attracting and closing clients

automation software systems

Marketing Tools and Strategies

How to Build a Client Prospect List

The Importance of Follow up


Habits of Success




Integrative Health Coach

Case Studies

Bioenergertics Pro Coaching Certification

BE500 Coaching Career








Diplomate Biofeedback Instructor Deborah Drake (BSc IHC IMD DHS CAP, DO(MP)) Master Health Coach & Osteopathic Manual Practitioner , Ayuvedic Practitioner and Biofeedback Instructor


To provide excellence in the Integration of Bioenergetic Tools into Natural Health Practice.


One on one, Self Study and Group Case Study theory and practice in the art and science of bioenergetic Coaching

. On Line Teaching Webinars and MENTORSHIP provide study credits towards CERTIFICATION to PRIVATE STUDENTS is done via this supervised  Apprenticeship Program.


Integrative Health Coaching Students learn the key facets of normal anatomy, physiology and best coaching practices, combining  ancient and modern tools.


Learn Bioterrain of Human Body through Evidence based natural non invasive methodology to MEASURE, MODULATE AND MONITOR health and Stress status using Integrative Medicine Techniques.

Learn evauluation techniques, non invasive, rapid, detailed analysis and investigative tools like Analysis of Voice, Face, Tongue, Iridology, Ear Auricular Therapy, Hair Analysis.

You will learn to master your chosen bioenergetic modality, such as Quantum Biofeedback (EPFX QUEST9) , BetterGuide Voice Analysis and Training for Stress, Pain, Relaxation and Peak Performance with AMPCOIL PEMF and/or Quantum Biofeedback or Bioptron Light Therapy, Ionic Foot Baths and EMF Protection Technology and Scanner techniques.



"Quantum Mastery Mentorship Program"


until July 2020

Deborah Drake, Director of Bioenergetics, presents an intensive  mentorship course using ONE ON ONE CASE STUDIES plus on Line Webcasting and Archived cases full of modern tips, pearls and strategies for Stress Reduction, Pain Management, Relaxation and Peak Performance. Study credits quality towards Integrative Health Coach , Integrative Natural Health Care Practitioners or Integrative Medical and Dental Doctors candidates. Study from over 50-100 hours of recorded archives from clinical supervision of case studies and webinars to maximize your knowledge, clinical skill and problem solving capacity enhanced with advanced technology for mastery of Health Coaching.


Inquiries Registration Call 647-825-4627



Register online at the for details and tuition payments and instant access to classrooms. www.HealthCounts.ca/academy

I look forward to chasing you into the new century with futuristic tools and ancient knowledge in order to speed your drainage, detoxification, restoration and rejuvenation for a life of reduced stress and pain, and with longevity through detox and balanced lifestyle.

What are You Waiting For? Let's get busy together on toning your body, mind, emotions, and spirit into Peak Performance.

           Dr. Deborah Drake















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