BE300 Fundmantals of Integrative Living for Wellness, Detox, Restoration and Rejuvenation
BE100 Bioterrain - Do Your Cells a Favor!
BE200 Music Is Medicine Integrating the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit

This 52 segments evergreen webinar and turtorial course by Integrative Health Coach Dr. Deborah Drake is a year long membership addressing a new body part per week for a full body balancing, tuning, toning and harmonizing.


Each week a online webinar takes a fun look at each of the body parts in 4 phases, alphabetically in order of importance or synergy with each other, and careful to compare the in and out organs, called the Yin (In) and Yang (out) organs in their natural circardian daily rhythm and their seasonal cleansing priority schedule. 


Phase 1 The Fundamentals of Living Well Reviews the ABC Engine, DEF Digestion, GHI Genital Housing Skeleton and Immune system, JKL Jacket of Skin/Hair/Nails, Karma Brain and Love Senses.


Phase 2 The Fundamentals of Detox review the MNO MIcrobes, Metals, Nutrition and Organ Risks in much deeper detail. Learn how and when to detox properly and safely to avoid unwantined negative reactions like the Herxheimer overload.


Phase 3 The Fundamentals of Restoration reviews the PQRST for Pain, Quest-Fit, Relaxation, Stress, and Trauma issues. The bodys inflammation to injury or sports wear and tear up to disease distortion or Post Traumatic stresss disorder are addressed with biotechnology corrections.


Phase 4 The Fundamentsl of Rejuvenation reviews the UVWXYZ for longetivity and a happy mind body spirit with Unity of Mind, Vitality, Weight Management, Sexual Purity and Prowess, Youthful Aging and Zen for proper sleep. 


Join in each week and learn how to care for your body.


BE 300 Fundamentals

Music is Medicine is a 6 part Evergreen webinar with Tutorials on equipement and Musical Interlude with overtures to the human body using selective body music.


After an theoretical introductory lecture on the basis of vibration and how music matches many of the vibrations of the Periodic Table of Elements, we learn to broaden the scope of medicine to include Music is Medicine.


The four elements of the Medicine Wheel of Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit are each addressed in a separate session, individually, then the summary chapter reviews how these individual spheres must be integrated to the whole. 


Music analogies are used throughout the simpllify the body physiology for anyone to understand.



Music Is Medicine

This course provides the basics of life - the conditions necessary for optimal health. Bioterrain Basics shows you how to maintain the body's most important balancing mechanisms, notably the Minerals, Water and Oxygen carrying capacity of the body for a healthy internal environment and Homeostasis Balance.


This course is designed by Dr. Deborah Drake, Bioenergetics expert, with evergreen Webinars and Tutorials on the basic theory and practical real life examples showing just how to apply the Bioterrain Balancing theory to yourself at home. 


The goal is to Empower You with secrets of Longevity through knowledge and Self Mastery tools that enhance resilience, relaxation and peak performance while reducing acidic starved conditons of pain,stress, inflammation or degeneration.


Get PROACTIVE: Help lower your risk of disease with preventative healthy habits with the maximum impact with least cost, least side effects or least effort to implement. Through teaching basics to everyone, together we learn self care and the most important job to protect ourselves and families in every age of our lives.


This basic understanding of bioterrin and electromagnetic flow of the body'professional health seeker, coaches and practitioners. .




Music Is Medicine

PEMF Tutorials

The tutorials focus on new modalitis of music including nutrition, organ cleansing an detox, higher self stimulation and awareness, and overall immune boosint for self care.


Tutorials will include detailed discussion and case study demonstrations plus FAQ session on PEMF, biofeedback and brain entrainment techniques, nutrition and detox strategies.


PEMF or Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy enhances the delivery through amplication of selective music to low vibrations that can improve body bioresonsnce therapy.


Voice anaysis can help map and direct the search for the hidden signals from the body at early stages of deviation or detuning. By applying correct "Field" of surround sound magnetic vibration, bioresonance entrainment can augment and speed help by gaining additional access, safely and non-invasively,  to the deep body tissues, including the brain and  hollow organ.


This combination of resonance and amplification has scientifically shown to to provide better penetration of healthful vibrations known to tune and tone the organs and thus the form and function of the body. The speed without danger is the tipping factor for a new era of positive health interventions accessible to all.


Learning self care from home with such modalities is designed to reduce wasted time and money suffering from relentless inflammatory and degenrative diseases by intervening often and in small increments to avoid side effects, adverse reactions and to provide a pleasant rediscovery of the body, mind, emotionsl and spirit when at their best. 


Music Is Medicine


Continuing Education Credits


These Courses qualifies for CEU's from the Canadian College of Humanitarian Medicine ( and is taught by the Director of the Department of Bioenergetics, Dr. Deborah Drake.


About the Author


Dr. Drake is a retired Family/Emergency/Sports Allopathic physician who retrained in Natural Medicine attaining her Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Doctor of Humanitarian Services, Doctor of Philosophy in Bioenergetics, and Doctorate in Osteopathic Manual Practice, She is a certified biofeedback Specialist, Instructor and Frequency Matrix Therapist and LIght Therapist.

Bioenergetics Series

This course offers the Musical Version of Brain Wave Entrainment Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Soundscapes with Campbell Foster

Plus Original Compositions for the Mind, Body, Emotion, and Spirit by Dr. Deborah Drake and various Musical Enhancements with Biofeedback or PEMF soundtracks.

Brain Wave Entrainment Frequencies for Various Brain States are Demonstrated Through Music and PEMF Entrainment stereo in an inaudible field. In order to train the brain directly we need to talk in its language of vibration and magnetic pulsations. The brain has a set of rhythms, speeds, tempos and pitches as follows:

The Brain waves are categorized by their tempo or speed, from slow Delta waves around 5 Hertz (Hertz or Hz means cycles per second), for sleep, dreaming and deep body restoration to creative first waking Theta waves 8 cps, for learning, creativity, access to the subconscious,to faster wakeful concentration and focus in Alpha Wave at 8-15 Hzto fully wide-awake, engaged, moving, dancing and even worrying or stress in BETA waves 15 – 32 Hz, or Gamma waves 33-80 Hz which is functionally fast for alignment, providing access to the gateway to super-consciousness and universal awareness.


Music Is Medicine

Resources, FAQ's
This resource section contains valuable RESOURCES such as Interviews, Frequently Asked Questions, Proctor and Case Study Examples, Bibliographies and other Appendices relevant to the best ethics, practices, safety, efficient use and coaching comportment.

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